Physics Teacher (Upper School)

By submitting your application to this job listing, you consent that you're able to arrange travel and accommodations to work with Lyceum Ratnapura. We will automatically send you periodic updates to your email regarding your application whenever such eligible actions are being taken.

Applicants should possess:

  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognized and accredited educational institution, preferably in Physics, Engineering, or other related subjects.
  • Excellent command of written and spoken English.
  • Previous experience in teaching National or International curricula is a must.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to effectively manage a class.
Job Type: Full Time
Job Location: Lyceum Ratnapura
This job is no longer accepting applications at the moment, but the position may become vacant again in the future if we need more staff. Kindly check back again time to time to be aware of latest oppertunities at Lyceum International School.
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